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On this page, you will learn about possible timeouts in NBomber.

Scenario completion timeout

When NBomber finishes load tests, it waits for all running scenarios to complete their tasks. By default, Scenario completion timeout is 1 minute. This setting is globally applied for all scenarios.


You can also use JSON configuration to override this setting.

"GlobalSettings": {

"ScenarioCompletionTimeout": "00:05:00"

You can find the complete example by this link.

Operation cancellation after timeout

There might be situations where you need to cancel some operation after specified timeout. For this, you can use standard .NET CancellationTokenSource.

Example 1:

var scenario = Scenario.Create("scenario_with_timeout", async context =>
using var timeout = new CancellationTokenSource();
timeout.CancelAfter(600); // the operation will be canceled after 600 ms

// here, we pass CancellationToken via timeout.Token
// and because Task.Delay(1000) is bigger than 600 ms
// the operation will be cancelled

await Task.Delay(1000, timeout.Token);

return Response.Ok(statusCode: "200", sizeBytes: 1000);
Simulation.KeepConstant(copies: 50, during: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30))

You can find the complete example by this link.

The same approach can be applied to any other asynchronous operation.

Example 2:

var scenario = Scenario.Create("http_scenario", async context =>
using var timeout = new CancellationTokenSource();
timeout.CancelAfter(50); // the operation will be canceled after 50 ms

var request =
Http.CreateRequest("GET", "")
.WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
//.WithBody(new StringContent("{ some JSON }", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"));

var clientArgs = HttpClientArgs.Create(timeout.Token);

var response = await Http.Send(httpClient, clientArgs, request);

return response;

You can find the complete example by this link.